
Why one will face danger and why one will not?

Hello, from the below video post/reel, Bhai ji explaining when one will face danger and why one not if he…

3 years ago

Easy steps to create source endpoints with base url’s in react or any spa applications using ES6 tagged templates as project utility and maintainbilty

Hello, Here I would like to share with you a very handy and new innovative approach using ES6 Tag Literals…

3 years ago

React functional child component not re rendering on parent state change?

Hello, I was also looking answer for similar question. Here is the quick solution I found and worked for me,…

3 years ago

Can you help to make me rich?

Would you like to share some ideas or steps i can take become rich or earn good money from good…

3 years ago

How to calculate the costing of grams from per kg weight?

For the simple question here is the simple answer: as we know 1kg = 1000 grams Formular for easy getting…

3 years ago

If its Laravel or simple MYSQL a query/fetch of inner join table, return’s id of joined table, but you don’t want that, how to fix?

Hello, First sorry for such long question in the heading. Will start with small story and then right to the…

3 years ago

How we can write complex SCSS mixin with if else condition and null value passed or on no value passed?

Hello Welcome, to this short post on writing/learning a little complex SCSS Mixin for your project/learning. To keep it straight…

3 years ago

Looking for 3D print in Miraroad, Mumbai, Thane?

Hello, If you are looking for 3D print service and if you got the file and need a print, you…

3 years ago

How to call Laravel one Controller method into another?

Hello welcome to this post! As of part of learning and development of laravel project I was simply looking syntax…

3 years ago

WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram go down

Hello Hi, Lot of us facing currently down issue from Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram: Here are there tweets on issues:…

3 years ago