
Function getStaticPaths, How to create paths in getStaticProps function If you have no access to create paths in getStaticPaths, NEXTJS

Hello, Hope this is very interesting question of scenario you might be facing to solve with next js and when…

1 year ago

What is forwardRef and how its helps in react?

Hello, lets quickly take a review on React forwardRef, what it in actual, In React, the forwardRef function is a…

1 year ago

How to fix nextjs appending http://localhost:3000/_next/image? to the image srcset how to remove for production build for images?

Hello, Welcome to the question and for the search, facing this issue? lets quickly see how we can fix this,…

1 year ago

How to sync generated next.js out folder build to android/android studio in capacitor?

Hello, Welcome to the feel and question. Here is a quick way do it out! Build the Next.js project: Run…

1 year ago

Laravel getting error: Target class [App\Http\Controllers\GurbaniReadingController::class] does not exist. But file already exists!!

Hello Guys, Facing this issue and struggling to find the cause?, okay then lets direct jump in to the fix…

1 year ago

How to fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property ‘0’ of object occurring in JavaScript?

Hello, This type error mostly get in scenario when you try to sort the readyonly data array. For me this…

1 year ago

What to do when you get nextjs error (Module not found: Error: Can’t resolve ‘private-next-pages/’ in ‘/vercel/path0’) on vercel/nextjs deployment?

Hello, If you too facing this error : Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'private-next-pages/' in '/vercel/path0' while deploying your…

1 year ago

Show 3 cards next to each other and rest follow below similar, how should I write code in css using flex?

Hello, To display 3 cards next to each other using CSS flex, you can use the flex-wrap property with a…

2 years ago

What is Event Loop & Micro and Macro Tasks in JavaScript?

Hello, The basic concept behind the event loop working in Javascript engine! Event Loop is a mechanism in JavaScript that…

2 years ago

How to identify closed 5km range co ordinates from given co ordinates

Hello, This nice question and other below I have learned recently! Let see how its answered. To identify the closed…

2 years ago