
How to remove stuck Filament from Snapmaker A350 3D module or how to fix Filament Runout error message in snapmaker luban or on touch screen?

There is couple of way to fix this questions around ‘or’ ?

First try the way it mention on the snapmaker support page here:


which could solve the issue of the error message of Filament runout.

Incase that’s not your case, then you need to pull out the jammed filament in the filament passer to the nozzle.

Here is the quick answer in the video how to get that jammed filament out more easily and what not required to do (so). Please follow the video how exactly it got fixed for the me for the stuck filament not coming out.

Fix filament stuck issue in Snapmaker 3D Module #snapmaker @3dmodule #filament

After removing the stuck filament, I was still getting filament runout error, I was sure I have missed the steps of tightening the filament runout sensor in the module, so I have used following command line code to skip the check of Filament Runout Error and proceed with the new 3D Prints:

To Disabled Filament Runout check, type code in Command Line Interface in Luban Software: M412 S0
To enable Filament Runout check, type code in Command Line Interface in Luban Software: M412 S1

Hope this solves your issue and happy 3D printing.

Thanks for visiting and have a beautiful time. 🙂


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