
Finding the ending number: What is 60% of 25?

Formula: Multiply the percentage by the total value

.60 x 25 = 15


How to calculate the costing of grams from per kg weight?

For the simple question here is the simple answer:

as we know 1kg = 1000 grams

Formular for easy getting grams rate from per kg is looks like:

So g grams is g/1000 kg and the price will be g/1000 * r (rupees/kg)
rupees/kg= g*r/1000

For example to calculate the rate of 100 grams from per kg.

Let say we have some wheat item whose rate is 1 kg = 20 rupees and we have to calculate the rate for 100 grams wheat?
100/1000 * 20 = 2 rupees
100 * 20/1000 = 2 rupees

Hope this solves our understanings.

Happy learning!