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The Ultimate Guide to Effective Meetings

In today’s fast-paced work environment, meetings are essential but can often feel unproductive. However, by applying a few key principles, you can transform your meetings into powerful tools for collaboration and decision-making.

In this guide, I’ll share the most effective strategies for running meetings that drive results, highlighting key lessons we can learn from Chris Donnelly’s Ultimate Meeting Cheat Sheet, which you can explore below.

1. Bezos’ 3 Golden Rules for Meetings

Jeff Bezos’ meeting strategies provide valuable lessons for keeping meetings small, effective, and focused. These rules can dramatically improve how your team collaborates:

  • The Two-Pizza Rule: Keep your meeting size small enough that two pizzas could feed everyone. This ensures discussions stay focused.
  • Ditch the PowerPoint: Instead of using slides, embrace detailed narrative memos. Written thoughts encourage deeper understanding and meaningful conversation.
  • Embrace Silence: Begin with a 30-minute silent reading session of the memo, allowing participants to fully absorb information before discussion.

2. 6 Best Practices to Elevate Your Meetings

To ensure your meetings are as productive as possible, consider adopting these best practices:

  1. Define a Clear Purpose and Agenda: Always know the goal of the meeting and share the agenda with attendees ahead of time.
  2. Encourage Active Participation: Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable contributing.
  3. Empower a Skilled Meeting Leader: A good leader keeps the discussion on track and ensures objectives are met.
  4. Conclude with Action Items: Summarize the key takeaways and assign clear next steps.
  5. Explore Alternatives: Not all collaboration needs to happen in meetings—consider alternatives like collaborative documents or asynchronous discussions.
  6. Seek Feedback and Improve: Regularly assess your meetings and seek ways to enhance them over time.

3. Proven Tips to Reduce the Number of Meetings

Cutting down on unnecessary meetings allows for more focused, uninterrupted work time. Here are three proven ways to reduce your meeting load:

  • No Meeting Days: Establish specific days where no meetings are allowed, giving your team time to focus.
  • Ruthlessly Audit Your Calendar: If a meeting lacks a clear purpose, cancel it. Time is better spent on high-impact tasks.
  • Leverage Asynchronous Tools: Use tools like email, shared documents, or video recordings to collaborate without needing to schedule a meeting.

4. Meeting Hacks from Industry Leaders

Some of the most successful business leaders have unique meeting strategies that you can easily incorporate:

  • Steve Jobs’ Walking Meetings: Break formalities and spark creativity by conducting meetings while walking.
  • Richard Branson’s Stand-up Rule: Short, energetic meetings happen when everyone is standing.
  • Warren Buffet’s 5-Minute Rule: If you can’t cover an agenda topic in 5 minutes, schedule another meeting.
  • Elon Musk’s 80/20 Rule: Only invite participants who will contribute 80% of the value in the meeting.

5. Leverage Tech Tools to Improve Meetings

You can streamline your meetings and improve efficiency by integrating technology. Here are a few tools that Chris Donnelly recommends:

  • Real-time transcription for capturing conversations while staying engaged.
  • Loom: Record your screen, voice, and face to share video updates for asynchronous collaboration.
  • Tactiq: Generate meeting agendas automatically and export them to various tools like Notion or ClickUp.
  • Canva GPT: Easily design visuals to support your meetings, including presentations and diagrams.

Chris Donnelly’s Meeting Cheat Sheet

Below is Chris Donnelly’s Ultimate Meeting Cheat Sheet, which highlights key strategies and tools for running effective meetings. Download the full high-resolution version from his newsletter here.

Chris Donnelly – How to Have Effective Team Meetings Cheat Sheet Guide

Happy Learning & Thanks for visiting!


The Environmental Impact of Gold Mining


Gold Investment Strategies


From Mine to Market: How Gold Is Mined, Refined, and Sold in Shops

Gold is one of the most coveted precious metals in the world, adored for its beauty, rarity, and utility. But how does it travel from deep within the earth to glittering display cases in shops? In this article, we’ll explore the entire process of gold mining, refining, and its journey into the retail market.

1. Gold Mining: Extracting Gold from the Earth

Gold is mined from different parts of the world through two primary methods: placer mining and hard rock mining.

  • Placer Mining:
    • Placer mining involves extracting gold from alluvial deposits, where gold has been naturally deposited in rivers and streams over time.
    • Miners use techniques like panning, sluicing, or dredging to separate gold from sediment.
    • This method is often used in regions with significant water flow and is one of the oldest methods of gold extraction, dating back thousands of years.
  • Hard Rock Mining:
    • In hard rock mining, gold is found deep underground, often in quartz veins.
    • Miners dig shafts or tunnels to access these veins, blasting and drilling the rock to extract ore containing gold.
    • The ore is then transported to a mill, where it undergoes various processes to extract the gold.

Mining operations can occur on a small scale using artisanal methods or on a large industrial scale with heavy machinery and advanced technology.

2. Ore Processing and Extraction: Separating Gold from the Rock

Once gold-bearing ore is brought to the surface, the next step is to separate the gold from the surrounding materials. This is achieved through several processing methods:

  • Crushing and Grinding:
    • The ore is crushed into smaller pieces to break down the rock and expose the gold within.
    • It is then ground into a fine powder to facilitate further separation.
  • Concentration:
    • Methods like gravity concentration, froth flotation, and leaching are used to concentrate the gold particles.
    • Gravity concentration takes advantage of the high density of gold, separating it from lighter minerals using water and gravity.
    • In leaching, chemicals like cyanide or mercury are used to dissolve gold from the ore, though these methods pose significant environmental risks.
  • Amalgamation:
    • In some cases, gold is amalgamated with mercury to form an alloy, which is then heated to evaporate the mercury, leaving behind pure gold.
    • However, due to the toxic nature of mercury, this method is being phased out in favor of more sustainable practices.

3. Smelting and Refining: Purifying Gold

Once the gold has been extracted, it must be purified to reach the high standards expected by buyers and investors. This process is known as smelting and refining:

  • Smelting:
    • The concentrated gold is heated to high temperatures in a furnace, where it melts, separating from impurities.
    • During this process, additives like fluxes are used to remove impurities, leaving a molten pool of gold.
    • The molten gold is then poured into molds to form gold bars known as doré bars, which contain a mix of gold and other metals like silver or copper.
  • Refining:
    • To achieve high levels of purity (typically 99.5% or higher), the doré bars undergo refining. The most common methods are:
      • Electrolytic Refining: Involves dissolving gold in a solution and using electricity to separate pure gold from impurities.
      • Aqua Regia Process: Gold is dissolved in a mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid, and then precipitated to produce pure gold.
    • Refined gold is then molded into bars, coins, or other forms before being sent to the market.

4. Transporting Gold: From Refineries to Market

Once gold has been refined, it’s ready to be transported to markets. Gold moves through different channels depending on its intended purpose:

  • Gold Bullion:
    • Refined gold is often cast into gold bars or bullion and is sold on commodities markets.
    • This gold is purchased by central banks, financial institutions, and investors looking for a stable asset.
  • Jewelry Industry:
    • A significant portion of gold is sold to jewelry manufacturers, where it is crafted into various pieces like rings, necklaces, and bracelets.
    • Jewelry makers may alloy the gold with other metals like silver or copper to create different grades, such as 18K or 14K, and achieve varying colors, including white, rose, and yellow gold.
  • Technology Sector:
    • Gold is also used in the electronics industry due to its excellent conductivity and resistance to tarnish. It is used in small quantities in smartphones, computers, and medical devices.

5. Selling Gold in Shops: Reaching the Consumer Market

Once gold has been crafted into its final form—whether as bullion, coins, or jewelry—it is ready to be sold to consumers. The journey continues:

  • Retail Gold Jewelry Shops:
    • Jewelers purchase gold from wholesalers or directly from refiners, often in the form of gold sheets, wires, or pre-cast forms, which they shape into beautiful pieces.
    • The finished jewelry is then displayed in retail stores or sold online.
  • Gold Bullion Dealers:
    • Bullion dealers sell gold bars and coins to investors. These dealers work closely with mints, central banks, and refiners to ensure the gold they sell is of certified purity.
  • Pawnshops and Secondary Markets:
    • In addition to traditional retail outlets, gold is often sold in secondary markets like pawnshops, where individuals sell gold jewelry, coins, or bars.

6. Regulations and Ethical Concerns: Ensuring Responsible Sourcing

In recent years, ethical concerns around gold mining, particularly regarding human rights abuses and environmental damage, have led to increased scrutiny and regulations. Many retailers now commit to selling ethically sourced or fair trade gold, which ensures that the gold was mined under fair labor conditions and without significant harm to the environment.

Certifications like the Fairmined and Fairtrade Gold labels help consumers make informed choices when purchasing gold.

For more details on gold mining and responsible sourcing, visit the World Gold Council and the Fairmined Gold Certification websites.

7. Conclusion: The Journey of Gold from Earth to Market

The process of mining, refining, and selling gold is a complex and fascinating one. From its humble origins in the earth to the sophisticated refining and crafting processes, every step requires expertise, technology, and dedication. For thousands of years, gold has been cherished by humans, and it continues to be an integral part of our economies, cultures, and personal lives.

As consumers, it’s easy to be captivated by the beauty of gold, but understanding the journey it takes—from mine to market—adds a new layer of appreciation for this extraordinary metal.

Further Reading:


The Historical Journey of Gold: From Ancient Civilizations to Modern Times

Gold, the shimmering metal synonymous with wealth, power, and beauty, has been deeply intertwined with human history for thousands of years. From ancient civilizations worshipping it as a divine substance to modern economies building reserves to hedge against uncertainty, gold’s story is rich and fascinating. Let’s embark on a journey through time to explore the pivotal role gold has played in shaping societies and economies across the ages.

Gold in Ancient Civilizations: A Divine Substance

Long before gold became a currency or an investment, it was revered for its beauty and permanence. In ancient Egypt, gold was believed to be the flesh of the gods, especially the sun god Ra. The ancient Egyptians adorned their tombs, temples, and even their pharaohs in gold, showcasing their connection to the divine. The famous mask of Tutankhamun, made of solid gold, remains a testament to how deeply ingrained this precious metal was in their culture.

Gold in ancient civilization – source

Around the same time, civilizations in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley also began to use gold for creating intricate jewelry and religious artifacts. Gold was not just a symbol of wealth but a representation of the eternal and the sacred.

Classical Antiquity: Gold as Power and Wealth

As civilizations evolved, so did the significance of gold. By the time of the Greeks and Romans, gold had become more than just a symbol of the divine; it was a tool of power. Roman emperors controlled vast reserves of gold, and gold coins became a central part of trade and wealth accumulation.

Middle Ages Gold – source

In ancient Greece, gold was associated with the gods and heroes of mythology. The legendary Golden Fleece, sought after by Jason and the Argonauts, was a symbol of kingship and authority. This period also marked the rise of gold as a medium of exchange, establishing its importance in the global economy.

The Middle Ages: Gold, Trade, and the Rise of Banking

During the Middle Ages, gold became the backbone of the burgeoning global trade network. As trade routes expanded from Europe to Asia and Africa, gold flowed across continents, linking distant lands through commerce. The Islamic Caliphates, Byzantine Empire, and kingdoms of Africa were all deeply involved in gold production and trade, with gold often being traded for spices, silk, and other valuable goods.

It was during this era that gold became a foundation for banking, as merchants and rulers sought to store and transport wealth securely. The emergence of goldsmith bankers laid the groundwork for modern banking systems.

The Age of Exploration and the Gold Rushes

The discovery of the New World in the late 15th century led to an unprecedented thirst for gold. The Spanish conquistadors, driven by tales of cities of gold, plundered the Americas, leading to the extraction of vast quantities of gold from the Aztec and Inca empires. This influx of gold into Europe significantly altered the continent’s economy, marking the beginning of global capitalism.

Gold Rushes and age exploration – AI Generated – Source

The 19th century witnessed gold rushes in California, Australia, and South Africa, drawing hundreds of thousands of people in search of fortune. These events not only shaped the settlement of new territories but also laid the foundations for modern cities and industries.

Gold in the Modern Era: From the Gold Standard to Today

As the global economy developed, nations adopted the gold standard in the 19th century, where currencies were directly tied to the value of gold. This system remained in place until the 20th century, when the complexities of modern economies made the gold standard obsolete. However, gold has never lost its allure or value.

Gold in Modern Era – AI Generated – source

Today, central banks still hold large reserves of gold as a hedge against economic uncertainty, and gold remains a popular investment for individuals. The metal has also found new applications in technology, healthcare, and even space exploration, proving that its utility continues to evolve.

The Cultural Legacy of Gold

Beyond economics, gold has maintained its cultural significance. From the intricate gold jewelry worn in Indian weddings to the Olympic gold medal awarded to the world’s greatest athletes, gold remains a universal symbol of achievement, prestige, and beauty.

Culture Legacy of Gold – AI Generated – Image source –

Conclusion: The Timeless Appeal of Gold

From the temples of ancient Egypt to the vaults of modern central banks, gold’s allure has remained constant throughout the millennia. Its timeless beauty, scarcity, and resistance to decay make it unique among metals, but its role in human history goes far beyond its physical properties. Gold is a symbol of power, wealth, and achievement—one that continues to captivate and inspire humanity.

As we move further into the digital age, with cryptocurrencies and artificial intelligence reshaping our economies and lives, gold’s legacy remains unchallenged. It is not just a metal but a testament to human ambition, perseverance, and creativity.


How to Onboard an Intern in a Small, Individual-Based Company

How to Onboard an Intern in a Small, Individual-Based Company

Hiring an intern can be a game-changer for small, individual-based companies. Not only do interns bring fresh perspectives and new ideas, but they also get the opportunity to learn and grow in a real-world setting. But how do you successfully onboard an intern when you’re the only person in your company? In this post, I’ll walk you through a streamlined and personalized approach to onboarding an intern in a small business like YOURNAMED.

Step 1: Formal Acceptance

Once you’ve selected your intern, the first step is to formalize the offer. Provide them with a well-drafted offer letter that outlines the key details of their role, responsibilities, start date, and any other important information. Request that they sign and return the letter to confirm their acceptance. Keep a digital copy for your records—this will help you stay organized.

Step 2: Gather Necessary Documentation

Even in a small company, it’s important to collect essential documents from your intern. Request proof of identity, educational certificates, and any other relevant documents. If your work involves sensitive information, consider having them sign a simple Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect your business.

Step 3: Set Up Their Workspace

Whether your intern will be working remotely or in-person, make sure they have everything they need to hit the ground running. If they’re remote, ensure they have access to necessary software, communication tools, and project management platforms. For in-person internships, set up a basic workspace with the essentials.

Step 4: One-on-One Orientation

Orientation doesn’t have to be a big production—especially when it’s just you and your intern. Schedule a one-on-one session to introduce them to your company’s vision, values, and the specific projects they’ll be working on. This is your chance to set clear expectations for work hours, communication, and deadlines.

Step 5: Establish Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is key to a successful internship. Since you’re the only mentor, make sure your intern knows how to reach you. Whether it’s through regular email check-ins, video calls, or a messaging app like Slack, establish a communication routine that works for both of you.

Step 6: Set Clear Objectives

Help your intern succeed by setting specific goals and deadlines for their work. Outline the tasks and projects they’ll be responsible for, and give them a clear sense of what’s expected. This not only helps them stay on track but also ensures they’re contributing meaningfully to your business.

Step 7: Personal Mentorship

One of the biggest advantages of working in a small company is the opportunity for personalized mentorship. Plan to spend time each week discussing your intern’s progress, answering their questions, and providing guidance. Regular feedback is essential for their growth, so make it a point to offer constructive criticism and praise.

Step 8: Provide Necessary Training

You might not have a formal training program, but that doesn’t mean you can’t equip your intern with the skills they need. Personally guide them through the tools and platforms you use, and share relevant resources like articles, tutorials, or documentation. This will help them get up to speed and feel confident in their role.

Step 9: Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular check-ins to monitor your intern’s progress, address any challenges, and adjust their goals as needed. These meetings don’t have to be long, but they’re crucial for keeping your intern on track and ensuring they’re getting the most out of their experience.

Step 10: End-of-Internship Evaluation

At the end of the internship, take time to review your intern’s work. Provide them with constructive feedback, discuss their achievements, and recognize areas for improvement. If they’ve performed well, consider offering a letter of recommendation or a LinkedIn endorsement to support their future career.

Step 11: Focus on Professional Development

Even after the internship ends, you can play a role in your intern’s career development. Offer advice, share resources, and be open to staying in touch as a mentor. Your support can make a lasting impact on their professional journey.


Onboarding an intern in a small, individual-based company like YOURNAMED may seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience for both you and your intern. By following these steps, you’ll ensure a smooth transition for your intern, helping them grow while also benefiting your business.

Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or running a small business, investing time in a thoughtful and personalized onboarding process will set the stage for a successful internship program.

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Preparing for a frontend or full-stack position interview involves evaluating both technical skills and cultural fit.

Lets dive in & Get Started!

Here’s a structured approach for conducting the interview:

Preparation Steps

  1. Review the Candidate’s Resume:
    • Note their technical skills, past projects, and experience.
    • Identify areas where you need more information or clarification.
  2. Set Up the Interview Environment:
    • Ensure you have a quiet, distraction-free environment.
    • Prepare any necessary tools or platforms if you plan to include a coding test.
  3. Prepare Your Questions:
    • Categorize your questions into opening, technical, and closing segments.

Interview Structure

1. Introduction:

  • Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the company.
  • Explain the interview format.

2. Opening Questions:

  • Goal: Break the ice and get an overview of the candidate’s background and interests.
  • Tell me about yourself and your background in software development.
  • Why are you interested in this position and our company?
  • What do you enjoy most about frontend/full-stack development?

3. Technical Questions:

Frontend Questions:

    • Can you explain the box model and how you use it?
    • How do you ensure your web applications are responsive?
  • JavaScript:
    • Can you explain how closures work in JavaScript?
    • How do you handle asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
  • Frameworks/Libraries:
    • What is your experience with frameworks like React/Vue/Angular?
    • Can you describe the lifecycle of a React component?
  • Performance:
    • How do you optimize the performance of a web application?

Full-Stack Questions:

  • Backend Knowledge:
    • What backend technologies have you worked with?
    • Can you explain RESTful APIs and how you’ve used them in your projects?
  • Database:
    • What types of databases have you worked with (SQL/NoSQL)?
    • How do you handle database migrations?
  • DevOps:
    • What is your experience with CI/CD pipelines?
    • How do you manage deployment and scaling of applications?
  • Project Experience:
    • Describe a full-stack project you’ve worked on. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  • Coding Exercise:
    • Provide a short coding task relevant to the role. For example, ask them to build a small feature or debug a piece of code.

4. Behavioral Questions:

  • Describe a time when you had to work closely with a difficult team member. How did you handle it?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when working on multiple projects?
  • Can you give an example of a project where you had to learn a new technology quickly?

5. Closing Questions:

  • Do you have any questions for us?
  • Is there anything we haven’t covered that you’d like to discuss?
  • What are your career goals, and how does this position align with them?


  1. Evaluate the Candidate:
    • Review their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.
    • Compare notes with other interviewers if applicable.
  2. Follow Up:
    • Send a thank-you email, informing them of the next steps.

By following this structure, you’ll be able to assess the candidate comprehensively, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Hope this guide help you or give hint idea on how to take start taking interviews!

Happy Learning!


Guide to Managing Internships: Steps, Dos, and Don’ts

Internships are a crucial part of career development for students and young professionals. Managing internships effectively can also provide immense benefits to your company. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what to do after selecting a candidate for an internship, including essential steps, dos and don’ts, and how to maintain professionalism throughout the process.

Before the Intern Joins

  1. Offer Letter and Documentation
    • Send an official offer letter outlining internship details such as duration, stipend, responsibilities, and terms.
    • Collect necessary documents like identification, academic transcripts, and consent forms.
  2. Onboarding Process
    • Plan an orientation to introduce the intern to your company’s culture, policies, and team members.
    • Prepare an onboarding checklist, including setting up their workspace, email account, and software access.
  3. Define Roles and Responsibilities
    • Clearly outline the intern’s role, tasks, and objectives with a detailed job description.
    • Assign a mentor or supervisor to guide and support the intern.
  4. Training and Development
    • Arrange training sessions to equip the intern with necessary skills and knowledge.
    • Provide resources such as manuals, guides, and access to relevant online courses.

During the Internship

  1. Regular Check-ins
    • Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, provide feedback, and address any concerns.
    • Encourage open communication, making interns feel comfortable asking questions.
  2. Professional Conduct
    • Treat interns with respect and professionalism, as you would any other employee.
    • Foster a positive and inclusive work environment where interns feel valued.
  3. Project Assignments
    • Assign meaningful and challenging projects aligning with the intern’s skills and career goals.
    • Provide clear instructions, deadlines, and offer guidance as needed.
  4. Performance Evaluation
    • Conduct periodic performance reviews to assess progress and provide constructive feedback.
    • Recognize and appreciate their contributions and achievements.

When the Intern Leaves

  1. Exit Interview
    • Conduct an exit interview to gather feedback on their experience and identify improvement areas.
    • Discuss their future career plans and offer assistance or advice.
  2. Completion Certificate
    • Provide a completion certificate or letter of recommendation highlighting their contributions and demonstrated skills.
  3. Knowledge Transfer
    • Ensure smooth transitions by documenting ongoing projects or tasks handled by the intern.
    • Arrange knowledge transfer sessions with team members if necessary.
  4. Stay Connected
    • Encourage the intern to stay connected through professional networks like LinkedIn.
    • Keep the door open for potential future opportunities, such as full-time positions.

Dos and Don’ts


  • Do provide a structured and supportive environment.
  • Do communicate expectations clearly and regularly.
  • Do offer constructive feedback and recognition.
  • Do treat interns with respect and professionalism.
  • Do encourage learning and professional growth.


  • Don’t assign only menial or repetitive tasks.
  • Don’t neglect regular check-ins and feedback sessions.
  • Don’t ignore the intern’s career goals and interests.
  • Don’t treat interns as free labor; value their contributions.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of proper onboarding and offboarding processes.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can ensure a positive and productive internship experience for both the intern and your company. Investing in your interns today can lead to a stronger workforce tomorrow.

Happy learning with Tortoisefeel!


Is seeking guidance on steps to follow after selecting a candidate for an internship, including dos and don’ts, required preparations before they join or leave the company, and how to behave professionally with interns.

Steps After Selecting a Candidate for Internship

Before the Intern Joins

  1. Offer Letter and Documentation
    • Send an official offer letter outlining the internship details, including duration, stipend, responsibilities, and any other terms and conditions.
    • Collect necessary documents such as identification, academic transcripts, and any required consent forms.
  2. Onboarding Process
    • Plan an orientation session to introduce the intern to the company culture, policies, and team members.
    • Prepare an onboarding checklist, including setting up their workspace, email account, and necessary software access.
  3. Define Roles and Responsibilities
    • Clearly outline the intern’s role, tasks, and objectives. Provide a detailed job description and explain the expectations.
    • Assign a mentor or supervisor who will guide and support the intern throughout their internship.
  4. Training and Development
    • Arrange for any necessary training sessions to equip the intern with the skills and knowledge needed for their role.
    • Provide resources like manuals, guides, and access to relevant online courses or training programs.

During the Internship

  1. Regular Check-ins
    • Schedule regular meetings to discuss progress, provide feedback, and address any concerns the intern may have.
    • Encourage open communication and create an environment where interns feel comfortable asking questions and seeking help.
  2. Professional Conduct
    • Treat interns with respect and professionalism, just like any other employee.
    • Foster a positive and inclusive work environment where interns feel valued and supported.
  3. Project Assignments
    • Assign meaningful and challenging projects that align with the intern’s skills and career goals.
    • Provide clear instructions and deadlines, and offer guidance and support as needed.
  4. Performance Evaluation
    • Conduct periodic performance reviews to assess the intern’s progress and provide constructive feedback.
    • Recognize and appreciate their contributions and achievements.

When the Intern Leaves

  1. Exit Interview
    • Conduct an exit interview to gather feedback on their internship experience and identify areas for improvement.
    • Discuss their future career plans and offer any assistance or advice.
  2. Completion Certificate
    • Provide a completion certificate or letter of recommendation highlighting their contributions and skills demonstrated during the internship.
  3. Knowledge Transfer
    • Ensure a smooth transition by documenting any ongoing projects or tasks the intern was handling.
    • Arrange for knowledge transfer sessions with team members if necessary.
  4. Stay Connected
    • Encourage the intern to stay connected with the company through professional networks like LinkedIn.
    • Keep the door open for potential future opportunities, such as full-time positions.

Dos and Don’ts


  • Do provide a structured and supportive environment.
  • Do communicate expectations clearly and regularly.
  • Do offer constructive feedback and recognition.
  • Do treat interns with respect and professionalism.
  • Do encourage learning and professional growth.


  • Don’t assign only menial or repetitive tasks.
  • Don’t neglect regular check-ins and feedback sessions.
  • Don’t ignore the intern’s career goals and interests.
  • Don’t treat interns as free labor; their contributions should be valued.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of a proper onboarding and offboarding process.

By following these steps and guidelines, you can ensure a positive and productive internship experience for both the intern and the company.

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How to Safe Custody your number for Airtel Postpaid plan information – Year 2024

Hello, if you like to know or find the answer what happens and how to make Safe Custody and how Airtel process or allows your safe custody as of in year 2024, I think there response is a bit unclear please you take a note where and how, and comment us down below 👇 (in comment box if open)

As per your concern, we would like to inform you that you can activate safe custody and deactivate the safe custody on same day.

But kindly note that you can activate and deactivate safe custody only once in a bill cycle.

And in order to activate safe custody you need to clear the billed and unbilled amount as on that day and need to made a advance payment of R.s 50 + 18% GST which is safe custody charges.

And also for primary number to activate safe custody you need to separate all the add-on connection.

1. Charges of safe custody are Rs.50+18% tax per month for the required period in advance.

2. Your number will be on temporary disconnection status (TD).

3. Inform payment modes like Cash / Airtel Website / My Airtel App / Airtel Money / Card Swipe.

4. To activate safe custody, no SIM change should have been done in last 48hrs.

5. Outstanding and unbilled amount to be cleared.

6. Post advance payment, you can send us a written request via email at to activate safe custody and you will get revert within 4 hours.

7. You can check outstanding and unbilled amount at any time by sending SMS OT to 121 and SMS UNB to 121 respectively from your Airtel mobile. (only for mobile number)

Hope this helps!

You can ask us your questions using Airtel Thanks App.

This what we can learn about Airtel safe custody so far.

There other emails from Airtel I think you should learn too when and how they respond.