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Preparing for a frontend or full-stack position interview involves evaluating both technical skills and cultural fit.

Lets dive in & Get Started!

Here’s a structured approach for conducting the interview:

Preparation Steps

  1. Review the Candidate’s Resume:
    • Note their technical skills, past projects, and experience.
    • Identify areas where you need more information or clarification.
  2. Set Up the Interview Environment:
    • Ensure you have a quiet, distraction-free environment.
    • Prepare any necessary tools or platforms if you plan to include a coding test.
  3. Prepare Your Questions:
    • Categorize your questions into opening, technical, and closing segments.

Interview Structure

1. Introduction:

  • Start with a brief introduction of yourself and the company.
  • Explain the interview format.

2. Opening Questions:

  • Goal: Break the ice and get an overview of the candidate’s background and interests.
  • Tell me about yourself and your background in software development.
  • Why are you interested in this position and our company?
  • What do you enjoy most about frontend/full-stack development?

3. Technical Questions:

Frontend Questions:

    • Can you explain the box model and how you use it?
    • How do you ensure your web applications are responsive?
  • JavaScript:
    • Can you explain how closures work in JavaScript?
    • How do you handle asynchronous programming in JavaScript?
  • Frameworks/Libraries:
    • What is your experience with frameworks like React/Vue/Angular?
    • Can you describe the lifecycle of a React component?
  • Performance:
    • How do you optimize the performance of a web application?

Full-Stack Questions:

  • Backend Knowledge:
    • What backend technologies have you worked with?
    • Can you explain RESTful APIs and how you’ve used them in your projects?
  • Database:
    • What types of databases have you worked with (SQL/NoSQL)?
    • How do you handle database migrations?
  • DevOps:
    • What is your experience with CI/CD pipelines?
    • How do you manage deployment and scaling of applications?
  • Project Experience:
    • Describe a full-stack project you’ve worked on. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?
  • Coding Exercise:
    • Provide a short coding task relevant to the role. For example, ask them to build a small feature or debug a piece of code.

4. Behavioral Questions:

  • Describe a time when you had to work closely with a difficult team member. How did you handle it?
  • How do you prioritize tasks when working on multiple projects?
  • Can you give an example of a project where you had to learn a new technology quickly?

5. Closing Questions:

  • Do you have any questions for us?
  • Is there anything we haven’t covered that you’d like to discuss?
  • What are your career goals, and how does this position align with them?


  1. Evaluate the Candidate:
    • Review their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.
    • Compare notes with other interviewers if applicable.
  2. Follow Up:
    • Send a thank-you email, informing them of the next steps.

By following this structure, you’ll be able to assess the candidate comprehensively, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Hope this guide help you or give hint idea on how to take start taking interviews!

Happy Learning!


How we can write complex SCSS mixin with if else condition and null value passed or on no value passed?


Welcome, to this short post on writing/learning a little complex SCSS Mixin for your project/learning.

To keep it straight and short here it is the code example:

@mixin setWH($w: false, $h: false, $unit: false, $isImportant: false) {
   @if $w AND $unit AND $isImportant {
       width: unquote($w + $unit + ' !important');
   } @else if $w AND $isImportant {
       width: $w + ' !important';
   @else if $w AND $unit {
       width: $w + $unit;
   } @else if $w {
       width: $w;
   @if $h AND $unit AND $isImportant {
       height: unquote($h + $unit + ' !important');
   } @else if $h AND $isImportant {
       width: unquote($h + ' !important');
   } @else if $h AND $unit {
       height: $h + $unit;
   } @else if $h {
       height: $h;

Usage Examples:

//Usage examples:
.myMixinTest1 {
  @include setWH(15, 5, 'em');

.myMixinTest2 {
  @include setWH(6, 4.3, "rem");

.myMixinTest3 {
  @include setWH(60, false, "px");

.myMixinTest4 {
  @include setWH(false, 30, "px");

.myMixinTest5 {
  @include setWH(27, 3, "rem", true);

It looks complex if you pay a little bit close look, its most simple.

You may extend more with if else or else conditions. I just kept to that extend as not require for me any else condition for error handling or something else to output.

A small ~codepen~ in action!

Hope you like & enjoyed learning!

Happy Learning!