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Taking Random Angular Quiz, Got Results – Jat

Hello, welcome and thanks to visit here to read my this short random post.

I was looking to take a random angular quiz to test my ability on Angular after a year around how much I remember about it, as because currently I mostly working with React and GraphQl, ApolloServer and Client and loving NextJS.

So after searching on Google, I landed up over this blog (here) (not an intention to use the link wrongly here), I took the Quiz and here is my result below with the image.

I too read some articles in the morning and look for tips and tricks on Angular so I can heads up well for the next interview on Angular 🙂

So I tried Quiz from the above blog link and here it is:

Question ah? How it could prove its my result, you can check on the full screenshot from my computer currently and tiny image up on the top corner and below on the Task bar with Chrome Active.


That’s all I would like to share with you all.

Thanks for reading and visiting. Have a great time and year’s ahead!

P.S. yes I forgot to mention, I am next going to take up more quiz and sharp my Angular blade more finer as possible as to be! Happy Learnings!